

I love goals. I love plans. I love ambition. But I don’t really set New Year’s resolutions. I have New Year’s reflections which often leads to my heart being spoken to and my desire for change real. 

You might hear me talk about simplicity quite a bit. We live in such a busy, full and sometimes overbearing world, that I want my life and my home to be a refuge from the tornado outside my door. However, over the past year, I have also realized I need to pair “simple” with “significant”. Making something or someone significant can be very, very complicated. But just as important. In order to make something significant, it might mean simplifying my time, my cooking, my schedule in order to make room for the complexity of something more significant. Picking up what I am putting down? Simple and/or significant.

A reason why I want to continue to simplify? I want to be present and engaged. My number one distraction from being present? Technology. “One second, Honey, I am just checking …[insert weather/birthday/text message/deal of the day/ Instagram/ Facebook/email ….]”. This will be an area of discipline and thought. I don’t even know how to start but I need to reign it in. I started a bit of a challenge for myself in December to not be on my phone when the girls are awake, but there are a few more tangible ways I need to set some boundaries for myself in order to reset.

Another area of my life that I need to reset is my finances. I have been doing a poor job of tracking and matching my finances to our budget. I need to be doing this more regularly to be more intentional with my purchases and finances. I hope to do this on a weekly basis (even though my over ambitious self would like to do it on a daily basis. But as I preach to myself, I know it is unrealistic.)

Last but not least, my other reset for January, Le Blog. The blog is an area of expression and joy for me. But I would also like to make it a little less haphazard, a little more structured and a lot more me. Me: more natural health and wellness, more spunk, more heart and soul, more pictures of me, and more on the little bit I know about motherhood.

What are your ambitions for the New Year? What areas of your life would you like to simplify or make more significant? 


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